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Seeding and downloading


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Hey Im wondering if seeding seperate torrents along side a download helps with the download speed at all I usually have a few seeds going while im downloading and I don't know if im harming my download speed more then helping it or if im helping it at all.

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The Ctrl-G Speed Guide values in uT are for UPLOAD not download. You may have 4 Mbit downspeed, but what is your upspeed. On CABLE or DSL systems you will likely not have > 2 Mbit upload.

Please adjust your settings accordingly. If you are able to upload at or near your set upload limit (change to the Speed tab in uT, change the scale to see increasingly over time) you are likely getting as fast as possible once you change it so you're not trying to split your upload too far. TOTAL_UPLOAD / (ToRRENTS_ACTIVE * SLOTS) MUST BE > 1, and for good speeds 3 is OK. Some recommend as much as 10, but 3-5 will work IMO.

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If you're on a swarm with many fast peers and seeds, and have a fast upload yourself you might want to set upload speed PER upload slot closer to 10 KB/sec. While seeding, the only real reason to not use 1 upload slot per torrent (and thus very high upload speed per upload slot)...is uTorrent bug/s:


So while seeding, I still recommend at least 2 upload slots per torrent till that gets fixed.

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