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Remove and Delete .torrent + Data:Shift+Delete (from official help)


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"Remove and Delete .torrent + Data : Shift+Delete" this is from official doc, and don't delete Data.

Same function by context menu works perfectly.

Why declared functionality doesn't work by hot-keys ?

I thnk U shold fix thix issue.

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I know there is a possible issue with Shift+Delete -- I discussed it with a dev several weeks ago. I was simply asking to make sure you were experiencing the same problem.

Basically, what's happening is that the Shift modifier key is actually flipping the behavior. If the default is set to also delete data, pressing Delete will do that, but Shift+Delete won't. If the default is set to not delete data, Delete won't, but Shift+Delete will.

I'll need to clarify the behavior with the devs. It might be that this was by design (I can imagine it being a perfectly valid design choice to have both behaviors always accessible by keyboard), in which case the only thing that needs fixing is the documentation.

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How about you stop being thickheaded obstinate? You don't decide what is a bug and what is done by design, especially when you don't bother to try and understand why things are behaving as they are. I'll quote again:

I can imagine it being a perfectly valid design choice to have both behaviors always accessible by keyboard

The topic has been forwarded to the devs -- what they do with it is up to them.

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