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New bandwidth allocation mode - "reserve"


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I have an idea for a new option available in the "bandwitdh allocation" menu for each torrent. It would be "reserve download limit" (maybe another for upload too). It would be very useful in case when I have many torrents downloading, but one is very important to me, so I want to reserve i.e. half of my bandwidth for this one torrent, and the other half would be normally distributed for the other torrents.

Currently I can only set download limits for torrents other than the important one, but this method is not very good, cause I don't know what limits to set (i.e. I set each torrent's limit to 30KB/s, when one is only capable of running at 15KB/s and the other about 50), and it uses a lot of time to set limits well.

What do You think about this feature?

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Currently, try using Priority modes Low and High to give 1 torrent a "boost".

(Technically, priority only affects upload but vastly reducing upload tends to cause download to decrease on torrents where you're downloading from peers rather than seeds.)

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  • 1 month later...

I created an account on here just to say that, I WOULD LOVE THIS FEATURE! That is EXACTLY what I want to do right now. If this were a feature I would have it active almost all the time. There's almost always one torrent that I would like to put download pfrerence too. Even if the priority modes worked for downloads, that would be just as good.

THANKS and I hope to see this feture in a future release.

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