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I am using Wifi and do not have access to the router.

I have not had problems in the past, but later today I decided to test if the port was forwarding.

My Utorrents Network is OK (Green) but when I tested it says: "An error has occurred!, Port ----- does not appear to be open." all the while my Utorrents Network is still OK (Green).

I do not have any firewall or protection on at all, but If I did, I would have Kapersky Internet Security on.

Utorrent has never done this when Ive tried to check the port in the the past.


I am using Utorrent 1.8.3 (build 15728), I updated it today after I found out that I was having this problem. I was using 1.8.2 and its the same problem. I have also tried multiple ports.



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