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Torrent clogging up my connection


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I've installed and used utorrent for quite some time now and never had any problems. Lately however i started having connection issues while i was using Utorrent. This would be normal if it wernt for the fact that i now get a 30 kb/s max upload and download on Utorrent. It seems like when i activate Utorrent it completely screws up my internet.

I fixed this for a while by switching clients but now Vuze seems to have the same problem. If anyone knows how to fix this it would be much appreciated. here some more info:

Fixed IP and ports are routed. Got a firewall at my router (but ports are forwarded) and got Kaspersky Internet Security running things on my computer (disabled to see if it would make a difference, it did not). Also got Peerguardian and Spysweeper running. If you need more info give us a shout.

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Bluetack (list makers for PG2) sucks, and if you're trying to hide yourself, well, good luck with that.

Disabling a firewall doesn't actually disable it, best way to be sure is to completely uninstall (which I did after Kaspersky screwed a few things up). Otherwise, find the firewall rules about uTorrent, delete them, and create brand new ones. Also follow this: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992

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thanks! ill give it a go!

Edit: Looks like that didnt solve it. I unistalled Kaspersky but the newest Top Gear is still downloading with 10 kb/s after an hour and if utorrent is running my browser has trouble to open websites. Any more suggestions?

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