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resource hog...


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hey, so just recently, uTorrent started to hog my cpu... i mean to the point where music wouldnt play properly and the mouse would lag. This only happens when its downloading, uTorrent is fine seeding and when its just idling. Im running Vista x64 with 1.8.3 (build 15772). It also says that im running the latest version. Ive also been expirementing with different firewalls/AV. right now, im running Avast! AV and Comodo Firewall. I have turned off the AV part of Comodo because I am using Avast! and i dont think Avast! has any firewalls.

any suggestions?

fyi: i have a 1.6ghz c2d with 4gb of ram and uTorrent had been working fine before.

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the uTorrent.exe.txt is a bit unreadable tho...

uTorrent wasnt acting up when i took the logs ill post another time if it hogs the cpu again.

edit 1:

its acting up again...




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