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Problems connecting to tracker without anonymizer


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hi, nice new system Cheesy

but I have a little problem...

I'm using uTorrent 1.8.3

now my problem is : Failure: unsupported tracker protocol, please upgrade your client

err...what wrong with my client?

..ok I haven't explained all yet. I''m using JAP anonymizer, why? because if I don't use proxies I can't connect to any trackers at all

anyway, I;m using JAP and the strange thing is if I set my JAP into anonim, the torrents from certain trackers runs well...very well......but if I turn the anonymizer off, then the torrents from those trackers will report : Failure: unsupported tracker protocol, please upgrade your client

so I assume u would advice me to turn it on anyway right? but turning it on will affect my other torrents which are connected to trackers that doesn't approve anonymity.

that's my problem. any advice/solution?

It' would be appreciated if there's a win2x solution for this....

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