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4 Big things that utorrent need Learn from BitSpirit !!


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The utorrent was my prefered torrent client, but when the new Bitsprit came out, i will tell why i drop utorrent.

1º- The choke /nchoke system from Bitspirt is far superior.

2º- Download all files of a torrent with utorrent = 55 K/s , download 3 files of 30 from a torrent with utorrent = 3 k/s ! , With Bitspirt i get 55 to all files, and 30 - 40 k/s for 3 files !!

3- The Bitspirt lock the file, The best thing for Videos ever !!

With bitSpirt, i double click the file , watch the video and End ! , it still write the file witout problem !

With Utorrent, i double click the video, open the video to watch, after 20 seconds, the utorrent popup "file access error", Stop the download and corrupt 5 megas of the download. I close the video player, and restrat the download. After one minute, the menssage again" file acess error !"grrrr. I start the Unlocker and see that Explorer its acess the file, i close the explorer and then restart the download !

4º - Memory vs Features = The Bitspirt its loaded with features, like handle kad links , and Peer Goods(you can browse the Others users torents files) , and the memory still 5 megas, the same of utorrent features less utorrent !

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I would disagree with you on varying issues there but will defer as im sure others will take up that baton, but i can honestly tell you that unless I want to download lots of pr0n (that is all the spirit is good for with those kinds of 'features') I wont be using it.

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1) In what way?

2) Depends on torrent, if you ask me. Partial downloads are inherently slower, since you're rejecting pieces that would otherwise be sent to you and added to you total download speeds. As for BitSpirit... I don't know how it works, but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually downloaded and then discarded pieces you didn't need, adding to the count =T

3) Why anyone can't wait for a file to complete before using it is beyond me. I've never understood it, and never will. Patience is a virtue.

4) Kad links? Peer Goods? Useless bloat. And the last time I used BitSpirit, it sure as hell didn't use 5MB RAM. It was similar to BitComet's RAM usage patterns.

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