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Are These Numbers Normal?


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I am totally new in terms of using Utorrent.

It seems to me the program has ground to a halt.

Here are the numbers.

All - 128

Downloading - 15

Completed - 113

Active 0

Inactive - 126

It appears no downloads are taking place. I checked the firewall setting and the firewall setting is correct in that Utorrent is allowed. Doing a speed check, with one of the checker sites my download speed was 103, 139, 188, 130 kbps.

Upload speed check was 326, 19, 246, and 113 kbps.

I do not know what is normal and I do not know what to do to try and troubleshoot the problem. Can someone at least give some ideas on what to check to diagnose the problem? Thank you in advance for your replies.

Edited to add: OK, the download limit is set at 40 kb, and the upload limit is set to 22 kb.

Than I reset the download limit to unlimited and the upload to unlimited. Now I have two active downloads with the up and down speeds at about 9 kb/s on each.

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