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Tried Everything - no avail


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Good evening, everyone,

I've tried for months to get uTorrent to work properly.

I've tried to do all of the port forwarding stuff, including the static IP creation and all of that, but it just refuses to download (always the triangle or red circle).

The thing is, though, is when I was visiting family in another state, I was able to get connections galore, and download speeds in the 100-200 kB/sec range (per torrent). This tells me that (I presume) there's no error with my computer, it's with my router and/or ISP (if that's possible).

Both the router here and the other one I was successfully using are the standard Linksys WRT54G. The other one I'm sure is not set up to any special port forwarding specifications, as the owner is rather computer illiterate. I guess what I need to know is how do I get my router to behave the same as his? Have I fowled it up by trying all of the port fowarding stuff somehow? I'd like to return it to the factory settings, but can't because there are others in the house using this network.

I hope I have been clear enough that someone can help me get uTorrent working.

Thanks in advance.

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Most folks don't realize that their DSL modem is actually a router as well. Even if you do all the port forwards on the linksys, that does not mean your modem/router is also forwarding that port traffic.

To solve this, you'll need to log in to your DSL modem and change it to "bridged mode". This makes it an access point into the network with no routing controls. Then log into your linksys and change it's connect mode to PPPoe and enter your DSL username and password. This will let your Linksys log into the network directly and actually be the ONLY router involved. Then all port forwards will work properly.

FYI, I also run DDWRT on my Linksys as it provides a lot more features and control.

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