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Port Forwarding not recognised by UTorrent


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Hello everyone,

I'm on a 256 kbps line with billion router and I use Vista.

I've read a bunch of torrent related forums and that has greatly added to my confusion,lol. I had a bridge mode connection, after reading about port fwding etc I re-configured it to a PPPoE and succesfully forwarded the port that UTorrent was using.

The problem now is that UTorrent still claims that they are blocked while the PF port checker application says they aren't. I tried playing around with port above 50000 to make sure the ones problem ports weren't used by anyother software and well that didn;t fix it either.

I use Avira AV(the free one) and windows firewall, which has the UTorrent exceptions in it. I tried disabling the router's firewall but that did not change anything.

Glasnost says my ISP does not throttle torrents, in fact it says BitTorrent download achieved at most 235 Kbps speed!. Will port forwarding still affect my speeds greatly? I get average speeds of 16-18 kbps DL which is kinda sad.

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Ok, there was this bit that the link you posted had about choosing an IP that falls out of the DHCP range which I hadn't done. Now after doing that the port is still blocked for TCP but for UDP it claims its open. Does it mean I'm any closer?

EDIT: Does opening a port via Windows Firewall mean anything? Just saw that it was possible so was wondering. Also is it possible for ISPs to make it impossible to forward ports?

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