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[torrent status] Bit-Comet icons


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BitComet status icons, straight from BitComet. Hope I got these right, looked like µTorrent has a few more icons for status than BitComet, so you see a few icons the same, but they seemed to work good for me. Lemme know if you think something should be changed, I created the red circle / error icon in the pack to look like the rest of the circle icons. Lemme know if there are any problems... should work good with BitComet knock off by Allied @ http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=5747

Updated Feb 6, 2006:

Changed icon 5,6 and 9, 10, thanks to a suggestion from boo.



1. Downloading

2. Seeding

3. Idle incomplete download

4. Paused

5. Download tracker error

6. Seed tracker error

7. Torrent error

8. Idle complete download

9. Queued download

10. Queued seed

Download Link:



Save to %appdata%\uTorrent

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I think it would better if it looked like this:


Good point. Updating them now.

they still don't really make much sense for

5. Download tracker error

6. Seed tracker error

perhaps i'm missing the logic behind them..

Well, BitComet uses that icon for when it's connecting to a tracker for a download/seed, and the icon stays the same even if there is a tracker error and it cannot get any peers. I was tempted to use something custom, but I wanted to try to use as much of the same BitComet icons as possible. If you have another icon that looks simliar to the pack or might look better post it and we'll get people's opinions on it. Here's all the icons from the pack I had to choose from:


1. Connecting to tracker/tracker error

2. Queued

3. Downloading

4. Seeding

5. Paused

6. Idle complete download

7. Idle incomplete download

8. Manual / on complete Hash check

9, 10, 11. Chat icons, I think

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