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Im using utorrent on a mac and a private tracker, and when i finish downloading a torrent it still has the green up arrow, but none of the finished downloads continue to upload. I was under the impression that once a download had finished it would continue seeding until i closed utorrent, but that doesnt seem to be happening. My question is basically how do I get my finished downloads to continue seeding.

also, when i turn down my download speeds but keep my upload speeds the same, the upload speeds go down with a similar ratio as the downlaod speeds. is there a way i can reduce my downloading but keep uploading at my max bandwith?

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Ask in the Mac sections for some of this...

Seeding while downloading...try reducing max (peer or seed) connections per torrent to 10. You likely won't be downloading as fast with just 10 connected peers/seeds per torrent.

If it's an option on the Mac uTorrent, put the seeding torrents to HIGH priority with downloading torrents set to LOW priority.

I'd also recommend only 1 downloading torrent at a time and more seeding torrents -- that too should keep download speeds reasonable.

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