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I would like to know if it is possible to change the settings referring to the downloads. At this moment when uTorrent starts, it uses the "Downloads" folder into "C" disk Documents .

I would like that the downloads should go into an external disk folder, where I have all about uTorrent.

How can I do this?

Thanks a lot



ehhh.. you do not know that you are in contact with a totally ignorant internet user.... ;-)

you write: "Preferences > Directories for the next torrents you'll add into uT."

Well: where can I find this word (Preferences)? I can find (into uTorrent options) the word "Settings".

And after....you say "Directories". The only thing that I find is, into "Folders", the possibility of to state: (in Italian) "put new downloads into". Here I have written: "M:\Downloads".

In this way nothing changes!!

I do not know if you will have the patience of to anwer to this message....

In anycase, thanks a lot for your attention.



The path "Preferences > Directories" is in uTorrent. You can specify a folder to save your torrents.

As I said, this applies only for the NEW torrents you will add into uT.

For the existing torrent jobs running in uT, stop them. Move the data (files) then relocate each torrent job (right click > Advanced > Set Download Location).



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