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>I see no "darkwedder" in our database. If you're using another username and you don't wish to keep it secret, you can tell it to me and I can search for it for you to see if the system believes you've registered successfully.

I dont undestand how to register.

I entered user/pass at web prefferences in µTorrent 3.0 Alpha but it said "Registration failed".


Ok, i succeed.

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@darkwedder That's all you have to do to register. Sorry it failed for you at first. If anyone sees the same failure to register, please take a look in the "Logger" tab and enable "Verbose Logging" > "Log WebUI requests", then try to reproduce the failure. There may be helpful message there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The red X (Remove) is enabled only at incomplete torrents (it's grey and I can't click on it). But I can right click on torrent, and then select remove.

It says disk overloaded 100% too often, almost always, I don't unrar or do something else (virus scan, windows update) in the bckgrnd, I didn't change the settings in the advanced menu (only peer.resolve_country). The HDD LED blinks rarely. I use Win XP SP3, the HDD is a WDC WD5000AAKB-00H8A0, it connected via Parallel ATA, if it is important, but there is no problem like this with uTorrent 2.0.3

uTorrent.exe not always exits when I exit uTorrent. It is still in the running processes.

I see, the files multiselect is fixed now.

BTW: What does blue lines (the color of the letters are blue) mean in peerlist?

edit: it leaks memory, there are no torrents running and no apps are installed, uTorrents costs 250MB now.

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