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utorrent "Not Responding"


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I'm new to utorrent and this forum,

I've read the faqs and other posts I hope I followed everything and am not repeating questions/posts.

I've even un installed then re installed making sure firewalls allowed it through with no probs from them.

I start up utorrent and all apears to be well, Downloads uploads things opperating as expected.

Will then sometimes do a mininova search find a torrent, download it all is well with the world.

Sometimes I will cruise the net organize music files(not affected by or monitered by utorrent) and sometimes just watch TV and keep an eye on the downloads/uploads etc.

Then BAM! Sometimes a 'fliker" from utorrent and "Not Responding" I have to close it down and reboot the puter.

This can happen as soon as 30-40 mins. of running utorrent sometimes up to but rarely do I get 1hr-30min before it freezes.

I hope the following shows upfront all that is needed to provide the help I need.


AVG Pro and ZA free. I don't think I have Nvidia firewall to disable I've looked but can't find if I actually have it. Windows defender is disabled.

Operating System

Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 1 (build 6001)

Processor a

1.60 gigahertz AMD Turion 64 X2

64 kilobyte primary memory cache

512 kilobyte secondary memory cache

64-bit ready

Multi-core (2 total)

Not hyper-threaded


Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN and a dsl router from AT&T

NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller

I have an HP laptop and am 10' from the router NO obstructions

I have 2GB RAM installed and another 2GB RAM boost.

I hope I don't look like a noob with a bad first post. Thanks for the help in advance!

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