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How do I set up a proxy server for use with uTorrent?


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uT manual (F1).

Preferences > Connection

Proxy Server

The Type dropdown menu specifies the type of proxy you are trying to use.

The Proxy field is where you enter the proxy's URL or IP address.

The Port field is where you enter the proxy's port.

Checking Authentication indicates that you need to log into the proxy server in order for it to work.

The Username field is where you enter the username required to log into the proxy server for authentication.

The Password field is where you enter the password required to log into the proxy server for authentication.

Resolve hostnames through proxy forces µTorrent to perform reverse DNS lookups through the proxy. This option only works with HTTPS and SOCKS proxies.

Use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections forces µTorrent to communicate and transfer data with peers through the proxy. By default, this option is disabled, and µTorrent only uses the proxy to communicate with trackers. This option only works with HTTPS and SOCKS proxies.

And you habe to be sure the proxy allows p2p connections.

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