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Utorrent Error. Access is denied.


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I am trying to download a file. (There's nothing wrong with the file because I'm able to download it on another computer.) After only a couple minutes of downloading, I get an error message that reads: "Utorrent Error. Access is denied." I think the problem is is that a folder of the file is not being created in the directory. As a result, I'm getting the error message. What can I do to correct this problem? TIA.

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I had the same problem using Win7 64 bit. I fixed it by:

Changing the download directory (in my case to my external HDD)

Right Click on the download directory and:

click properties

click advanced (in the attributes part under the general tab)

This brings up the advanced attributes box, and deslect Allow files in folder to have contents indexed

Click ok

and importantly - Delete the torrents(s) you were trying to download and start them again

Hope this helps,


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I am also having trouble with the same utorrent error, access is denied, I have been dowloading with no problems until just last weekend. Now I am getting this message, the file starts to download and goes to about 3 or 4%, then stops and gives me this message. I am new to downloading torrents, so am not sure if there are settings that I can change or modify to help with this problem. I have windows vista as my operating system

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  • 6 months later...

I had the same message on a couple of files, after changing my harddrives. I thought that giving the download directory the same path as before would be enough for everything to continue as before. But no.

After reading, I tried to give permission to that folder. (even though other torrents in named folder worked)

And that solved my problem

I have Win 7 64-bit FYI.

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To clarify. I also only have one account on my computer. Yes it is administrator all powerfull tech god settings. ;-)

Still 3 out of 10 files downloading got that error.

When goin and manually clicking all rights for all users, NOT auto settings, only then did it work.

Also in utorrent I had to right click the files with the error and force it to check the files. (sorry my utorrent is in swedish so I can only assume what the menu says in english)

So please do try this first. Any kind of assumption that this is not the problem won´t help you. I was there myself until I tried it. Remember! Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups.

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To do this in Win7 64-bit:

- Open explorer so you see your download folder.

- Right click download folder and choose properties.

- Click security tab.

- There you will a a couple of groups & user names.(even if you only have one account)

- Click for example CREATOR OWNER.

- Click edit

- Chose full controll. Then Ok

- Do this for each and every user och group, which you consider this applies.

- Ok until you are done with properties.

- Now go to utorrent.

- Right click the file with the error.

- Choose to force a check / controll of the file (unsure of exact name since I have swedish version)

- When done right click to start download again, since it will be stopped after controll.

This did it for me. So I figure its worth a try.

Good luck

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ok therein lies my problem, each and everyone one of the grps of user names, have full controll, and to top it off, its all grayed out, i cant change anything like that, i have win 7 64 bit and i have the only acct on this computer.....i never had this issue until i finally updated my utorrent to 2.0, never had this issue b4

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Hmm, mine are greyed out until I choose to edit. Then it opens practically the same window again. But now they no longer are grey.

I dunno, maybe I´m missing some detail. But it sounds like you should be able to change rights in your folder since you are admin. At least you should be able to deny rights for certain users. Since there are differenet groups and users in your security window too.

Other than this I´m all out of ideas. Hope you find a sollution.

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ya i am able to deny rights, but allowing it is for some reason off limits, i cant even uncheck the boxes to recheck them and hope it works :(

edit : ok so i went back and double checked everything and noticed....the folder for some reason was set to read only >.> lol and that fixed my issue :)

edit : ok let me rephrase...for some reason....ALL my folders in my hard drive were set to read only..........

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I found a quick and easy fix that fully solves this problem. Quit uTorrent fully, then right click the uTorrent icon or .exe and select "Run as administrator" then when the program opens, right click the torrent and select "Force Start" That will fix the problem. Have fun torrenting, and watch out for viruses. ;-)

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