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Bug in µTorrent v1.8.4.16688 - process remains active after shutdown


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There seems to be a problem with uTorrent v1.8.4.16688: After normal shutdown of µTorrent (File -> Exit), its process remains active indefinitely, i.e., it does not shut down, only the icon disappears from the notification area of the task bar.

The firewall shows that it continues sending and receiving, and the task manager shows it remaining active. To really end µTorrent, its process has to be killed in task manager.

This problem does not occur with µTorrent v1.8.4.16442 which seems to be the last built that is working properly.

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First, I wish to thank you for your quick replies.

I've just tested the firewall issue, and I'm a bit puzzled:

I have not uninstalled ZoneAlarm but de-activated it. Then I re-installed µTorrent v1.8.4.16688 (as usual, just over the existing installation) and started and exited it several times - every time it was stopping and shutting down properly.

Then I restarted ZoneAlarm, and µTorrent is still behaving as it should.

In summary: While before the issue could be reproduced every single time, for now it has disappeared and µTorrent seems to be behaving as it should. So I suppose it might have been a transitory problem after all (usually my computer stays on for several weeks without interruption, and I wonder if there might have been some kind of memory/sequence issue built up over time that has prevented µTorrent from shutting down completely? However, now it does and the problem seems to have disappeared.).

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