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2 computers + 1 router + 1 inet connection = faster downloads?


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I do not know if anyone else has tried this or noticed this but I have over and over again.

I have one inet connection with dsl 6megish, I have 1 router (netgear), and I have 2 different computers. If I put 2 torrents to download on the same computer each with about the same seeders and leechers I will average about 400k download total. which is nice. but, if i put the same torrents 1 on each computer and set them to download I will get about 400k download on both. which mean I am downloading twice and fast.

I have 0 idea on why or how this works or why. I have tested it over and over again both on my last inet conection which was cable(mediacom) and now with my new inet connection dsl(AT&T).

And on the same basic topic I have also had 2 nics in 1 computer and hooked both up to a router and managed to do something very similar.

I have tried this with only windows xp 32bit and windows vista business 64bit.

I have heard of some people doing TEAMing with nics but I am not.

So has anyone else tried this? Or experiance something like this?


no I am not getting half the speed from the other computer. for what ever reason it does allow more downloading at faster speeds.

Nope no L.

maybe my explaination was poor i will try again.

1st attempt

computer A

Torrent 1

Torrent 2

Computer B

No torrents


total dl speed about 400 to 500 total for both

2nd attempt

Computer A

Torrent 1

Computer B

Torrent 2


Total dl speed 800 to 1000 total for both(400 to 500 dl on each computer)

I have tried this over and over again with different torrents with the same results. I have checked and it does not look as if my isp when I was on cable inet or dsl inet caps dl with torrents or ports.

So it does actually work for me over and over again no matter which torrents I use. In fact I have thought about adding a 3rd and possible a 4th computer just to see if on each computer the same thing happens.


So this can work up to your max. line speed.

The single torrent speeds depend on the upload capacity of the connected seeds and peers to, that's why sometimes you can't reach your max.


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