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µTorrent Coding Principles


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Hey i've been using µTorrent for sometime now, and even though I have constant disconnect problems (most likely down to my linksys router, being replaced soon), i'm extremely impressed with the software.

I am a part-time software developer, as a hobby and I code most things with C++ and sometimes .NET. I was hoping a developer of µTorrent could help me understand their development process, because as soon as I link to any other seemingly 'required' win32 libraries, my application size drastically increases.

Whilst my programs are tailored for small audience, I feel they are often bloated even with all unused code removed and effective optimizing compiler options enabled, although this is using VS.NET 2003/2005. I'm told that by using VS6 I could write smaller code.

Can I assume that µTorrent has its own function libraries, or are you still importing functions the same as nearly all other applications?

Any help/guidance is appreciated, cheers.

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it's sort of a moot point until someone writes a managed torrent client in C# and we can all see the difference between all 3 apps (C++, C#, and Java). Nothing will beat utorrent, but i bet the C#/.net app will take less memory and behave better than the Java app (Azureus)

Of course, only one is truly cross platform...

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Yeah I know that .NET is hella bloated, I only use that to churn a program out on demand before I forget my idea, and then I usually recode in vanilla C++.

Yeah I checked out the FAQ after my post.. sorry, but using 'custom' libraries doesn't really help the matter. I use 'custom' libraries too for various functions etc, but i'm unsure of how you could do this to standard w32 api?

Anyway thanks for the responses guys!

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I think win32 GUI apps are not worth the huge amount of time you need to get a working GUI properly (also the amount of code). hence why i like C#. But i do agree that bytecode in general would be faster then an optimize C# application when coded well enough.

Custom libraries means ludde probably WROTE the functions he needs on his own. Most of those use standard win32 API functions, yes.

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