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Disc lettter changed; how do I fix?


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My disc changed it's self from D: to E; (Windows, of course, XP if nessesary)

For some reason I can't figure out, a non-existing CD drive has taken that spot, (I have no CD drive), and I tried to change the drive letter, but my computer is not allowing me to chose the original D:.

I went and manually changed the settings in UTorrent to go to that drive, but how do I get Utorrent to get the torrent files from the 'new' drive so I don't have to lose all the ratio data by deleting all the files from the engine, and starting over again?

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The simple way is to use the Disk Manager in Windows and switch back the drive letters. Try Google to find more info about that.

The 2nd solution but less simple is to use freeware BEncode Editor (see the sticky in General subforum) and edit file resume.dat to change ("find/replace" function) the drive letter.

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resume.dat is in folder %appdata%\utorrent (enter that into Explorer bar).

Close uT. Make a backup copy of resume.dat.

Open resume.dat with BEncode Editor (http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31306) then you can click on each + to see the settings for each torrent loaded into uT if you want.

Then use the ability 'find/replace' (like in any text editor) to change the drive letter (D: instead of E:). Save it. Start uT and your client will resume all tour torrent jobs.

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