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Recently when I was downloading some apps, I've compared the registered download traffic (total traffic incoming through the cable) to the Download percentage in uTorrent.

I saw some big differences, where uTorrent shows only 800 MB has been downloaded, my Traffic Controller says 1.800 MB has been downloaded. What's this all about ? Is someone leeching through my IP or what ?

I'm very concerned about this problem, due to my limited download traffic I can't afford getting (somehow) 110 % extra downloads.

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Yes my BW meter is also counting the upload traffic on a different log, so no download-upload mix-up.

My uTorrent settings haven't been changed since I installed it, so I presume it's on default settings. (except the download limit which is on unlimited or 1000 kb/s)

I just checked the todays traffic :

uTorrent : 1.7 GB

BW: 3.0 GB (subtract 300 MB for mails, 4 short youtube clips and a 40 pics of 60 kb)

Conclusion: where did 1 GB go ?

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