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uT downloads more data than it shows


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For a given time duration, I saw that the total download + total upload does not correspond to the broadband

meter of my ISP.

For eg: If I download using uT from 04:00AM to 08:00AM, the uT interface shows 1.8GB as total downloaded

and 400MB as total Uploaded. I don't download anything using any other software.

Now give or take 20 to 30MB for my Email checking during this period, my ISP's broadband account should

show only about 2.2 to 2.3 GB. But I always see that the meter shows the total utilization as 2.8 or 2.9GB.

I wanted to make it very accurate and did this test today and I don't have any doubts.

I wish to know the reason behind this anamoly.

Is my ISP's meter wrong or uT gives wrong info in its interface or any other tech reasons behind this.

Any response will be appreciated.


R Balaji


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