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Option to disable special handling of lan peers


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Recently, I started to use uTorrent on a computer, which doesn't have direct access to internet. The connection scheme has been designed in a way, in which I, having e.g. an ip, get incoming connection only from ip (outgoing connections go via proxy, all incoming connections go via port forwarding on, and, unfortunately, I can't change it.

While it's not a problem for uTorrent to work in these conditions, I still have a problem with red indicator of my connection in the status bar. It's annoying, and also I can't see whether my remote forwarding is runing.

I'd like to ask for an (advanced) option to force uTorrent to not distinguish local and remote connection (at least for incoming ones), and show green status icon when there are at least one incoming connection from anywhere.

Is it possible to have this? :)

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