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static ip/dns weirdness


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Hi: first time to this forum, hope you can help. I've set static ips and port forwarding successfully in the past, but have a new computer and cannot make it work. It is running Windows Vista 64 bit. I tried to follow the Portforward instructions, but when I checked ipconfig/all, the DNS number was the same as the Default Gateway. When this occurs, the instructions tell us to either look on the router's web interface (it's a Speedstream 6520, but I couldn't try anything there), or contact the ISP. I tried the latter, and I'm not sure what they were trying to do, but they instructed me to change the setting the IP on the LAN but it didn't seem to work. Then they started to ask me why I wanted to "force a DNS in your system", and said that there was a hardware problem with the network adapter. It all got a bit murky from there. Any suggestions on how to obtain the DNS properly and set a static IP? The computer says the network adapter is working fine.

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Yes , that's it.

Honestly I don't see why the DNS server issue should impact uTorrent.

About the DNS servers (primary & secondary), you have the choice between these ones of your ISP (Bell Canada) or let your gateway do the job.

So you can try to put the DNS servers of Bell Canada instead of your gateway.

Go to in the Properties of Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and put the DNS servers of Bell.



(Here are some alternative DNS server addresses you can try:

Bell Canada (not Sympatico): / /

or these ones in PPP adapter)


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Hi Moogly: thanks. But, to be clear, there are two ways of logging on the internet, thru the local area connection and broadband. Are you saying I should use the latter and try some of these DNS numbers you gave me, and input a static ip the last digit one number off the main DNS, then alter the router setting to conform to this? Will it affect the wireless network at all?

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Thanks. I will try this. It's a strange thing, though. Utorrent "works" now, but its not connecting properly through the port it sets. If I use the local area connection, I get all kinds of problems with the firewall (although I think I have set Trend Micro correctly), but if I use the broadband access, I get the green light about the network working at the bottom of the main page, although the port is not open.

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Now you need to open a port for uT in your gateway

2 rules (TCP & UDP) with the good local IP (.10 in your case) and port number higher than 10k.

About your firewall, you can exit uT, remove the old exceptions about uT, start uT, the FW should add new exceptions automatically. If that doesn't work, dot it manually.

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Hi Moogly & Swietck.

I appreciate your help. Here's what I did. Set fixed IP & recommended DNS. (see screenshot http://profile.imageshack.us/user/roygbiv61/). Internet works. Disabled UPnP. Changed router settings, added both UDP AND TCP. (see screenshot) Deleted and reset Trend Micro firewall (BTW do I say 'all ports' or only specific port here?). On Utorrent, using port 26659. The network sign is green at bottom of Utorrent page. Downloaded Portforwarding port checker. It says UDP is open but TCP is not. Initially, the Utorrent port checker said port 26659 was open, but quickly indicated it was not open.

Any thoughts?

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Morning... tried a different port, same thing. Portforward checker says UDP is open, but TCP is not. One thing: when I try the utorrent port checker, it says "checking" when telling me the port I set isn't open. Shouldn't it be checking the IP I set? BTW if I get the green light at the bottom of the Utorrent page, that means that it can't be a firewall issue... right?

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The OOo seemed a bit daunting, but I did try some DL speed tests; results ranged from 2-3.62 mbs for download, about 400 kps for upload. Is that reasonable?

So, if the network icon is green that's all that matters regardless of the portchecker? Ouch. Regardless, if the firewall is a router issue, can that be changed (and should I be conspiratorially-minded about it)? Any way to confirm that? Or is it all irrelevant?

Thanks for all your help, anyway.

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I think I have this working correctly, regardless of what the port checker says. However, it seems to have introduced a network problem. I have a desktop connected with Ethernet that runs utorrent, and a laptop on the wireless network, and another laptop connected through a DLink PowerLine (which emulates an Ethernet connection). The wireless connection works OK, but the PowerLine laptop can't connect to the Internet anymore (it says "DNS problem"). The latter does work when I switch the desktop to broadband rather than LAN, but that in turn seems to mess up utorrent (even though the network OK still shines green). Any ideas on how I can correct this network glitch? Many thanks...

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You need to organize your LAN. You have to choose between the broadband connection or the local area connection. And try to connect all your computers (ethernet, wireless, PLC) to the router to have a chain because it will be easier to forward a port to each computer.

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