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How to restore my torrent jobs?


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I had over 100 torrents seeding in uTorrent but now all of them seem to be missing. I followed the user manual instructions to locate the .torrent files but I'm not sure how to restore them for seeding without downloading them again.

If I drag them into uTorrent or right-click then open it attempts to download the torrent again (which of course I don't want to do).

So, how can I restore all my torrents for seeding again? Also, what caused this? A bad shutdown? Do I need bt.graceful_shutdown?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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When I attempted to:

Loading torrents in µTorrent

Loading a single torrent for seeding is simple enough provided you know the location of the .torrent and the files.

In µTorrent, click File > Add Torrent (no default save)

Browse your way to the .torrent file you wish to seed and select.

Browse your way to the folder where the files are located and select the folder.

The torrent should appear in the torrent window and load (you will see the % climb up as µTorrent checks the file).

It checked the file and then attempted to download it. I am trying to maintain a ration on the site that I'm on so I can't download this file again. What am I doing wrong here?

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