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!ut files.What are they?


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Please!Someone can exactly explain to me what are this kind of file?Are they fakes files?I cannot get them on cd, neither listen to!It seems empty, but I have noticed each file is 60,50,70MB!And then how is possible I cannot listen to them?I have downloaded GB3,48 of these files,and then everything was useless.I have wasted all my time to download a fake!!Please someone help me to know about it!Thanks so much beforehand.Greetings tamino.


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µT manual, press F1.

Append .!ut to incomplete files tells µTorrent to append the .!ut extension to any file in the torrent contents that still hasn't finished downloading. Once a file is completed, the extension gets removed from it. Note that the state of this option takes effect immediately after the preferences are saved, regardless of whether torrent jobs are started, stopped, paused, or queued.
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