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utorrent 2.0 select directory window


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Hello friends. My question is about the initial window where you can select the directory where the file is downloaded when you add a torrent.

I have all options for that enabled and the window shows; but when you select to add more than 5 torrents then these windows don't show and all torrents are downloaded to default directory.

In utorrent 1.8.5 these windows were shown for every torrent even when you select more than 5 torrents.

Is there any way to enable that for all torrent files that I add at the same time?


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I think this is what was behind my baffling problem, which has happened twice more over the last week:


Sometimes I will select >5 .torrent files and open them in uT, getting the dialog, I thought, for each one, but maybe not anymore. And perhaps because I didn't have a default directory defined in Directories, everything after the 5th was put in uT's profile directory instead?! I never thought I needed a default directory before because the download dialog always remembered my last location, but I've set one now.

If it's not made an advanced option, I vote to increase the count to 10, which will probably be above the threshold for a much larger majority.

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+1 for making this an advanced option. Moreover, instead of silently adding torrents I'd really prefer it if uTorrent silently refuses to add more torrents after the threshold has been reached. So instead of having a bunch of torrents added where I didn't even get a change to select the files I want, I'd rather that only 5 (or 10 or whatever the advanced setting is) were added with the dialog, and the rest refused so that I can add them once again and thus have the dialog show up for them.

Please consider this, 'cos the changed behavior is IMO not the most user-friendly. I frequently select 10 or so torrents in Windows Explorer and press Enter, then select files from each and add them. But as long as 2.0 behaves in the current manner, I'll be forced to revert to 1.8.5, and I so do not want to do that.

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Was just a suggestion. How about this then - if you drag/drop or double-click on more torrents than defined in gui.open_max_torrents (a new Advanced option), then you'll see dialogs for the number defined by you (or the default), and finally an alert window saying only x torrents allowed at a time. So you'll know some have been ignored and can reopen those again.

Also, suppose gui.open_max_torrents=5, you have 3 torrents loaded, and you add 6 of which 2 are already loaded (i.e. part of those initial 3), then 6-2=4 and 4<5, so even if though you added 6, only 4 were new and thus ideally all 4 should have dialogs pop up for them.

This behavior IMO would strike a fine balance between leaving it unbounded (like it was prior to uTorrent 2.0), and not even displaying dialogs for some torrents (which is bound to confuse/irritate people as well). What do you think? :)

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That sounds like a plan. But my real question:

Is there a crack for uTorrent?

I kid, but this reminds me, unfortunately, of the half-open connection limit that Windows had for about 5 years, and all the energy that was expended trying to work around it. MS eventually removed it.

What kind of "limitation in Windows" (and which Windows, XP or anything up to 7?) causes a problem for many uTorrent windows in the first place? I'm curious, because the only thing I can relate to this would be hitting GDI limitations, which are pretty high in x86 OS's and (I think) unlimited in x64. Normally it's only possible when the app has a GDI leak, so it must be something else. Has this problem ever been seen in x64?

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