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sitecom WL-527 port forwarding?


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I know its supposed to be easy doing the whole port forwarding business, but I just cant seem to get my head round it.

For starters, I am on a wireless network using a sitecom WL-527 wireless router, the instructions for portforwarding to which I cannot find anywhere. As I cant seem to get rid of the NAT error message on my status bar, my download speeds are very slow, maxing out at about 5kb/s

I hope this is all the details that are needed, I like using bit torrent for the range of files available but this problem is making it all very tedious.

Any ideas anyone? Cheers

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hi there WL-527 wireless router you have to make port forwaarding

just go to the Advanced Settings and Port fw option there you have to Enable Port Forwarding

Private IP just full your ip adres wich you get from the router like 192.168...... end

Type: both

Port Range : It is generally recommended to not use any port in the range 6881-6889. µTorrent only uses one port, however, so you only need to forward one. It is best to use a port number above 10000 en

Comment and commet and add that sould be fine ;)

end add your settings ;)

if you than this 6881-6889 just fill your port number in the utorrent :D;)

and save it ;)

have nice day

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