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Windows Home Server + WebUI + RSS Feeds


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Hi guys, I've installed uTorrent as a service onto one of my servers (WHS), set it to automatically download torrents saved into a network folder (\\Server\Torrents) and also configured WebUI. The problem is though, since there is no RSS support in WebUI, there is no easy method to configure the server to automatically download torrents from an RSS feed.

Currently, I have set the server to always be logged into the administrator account, with uTorrent running as a normal program (and another as a service), setting the program to automatically download the torrent files from RSS feeds into \\Server\Torrents, which will then be automatically downloaded by uTorrent running as a service. However, this solution is far from ideal. My questions are then:

1. Where are the settings for RSS feeds in uTorrent saved at? If I know this then I will be able to transfer these settings into the instance of uTorrent running as a service, eliminating the need to be always logged in.

2. Is anybody using other methods for downloading torrents from RSS feeds on their server automatically / Are there better methods to do what I want to achieve?

3. Is it known when RSS support will be intergrated into WebUI?

Thanks in advance,


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what I did was install the program regularly on WHS, set up my feeds from within the program itself via remote desktop, and then shut down the program and start the service.

So far, it seems to be working - utorrent has started downloading the first few episodes I selected in the feed.

However, I have a question pertaining specifically to the use of utorrent on a WHS: is it possible to have files that have been downloaded via RSS be -moved- into a new directory once they are done? The reason I ask is that WHS will corrupt files as long as they are downloading IF I set them up to be downloaded to a shared directory, which of course my TV show directory would be. So, I have to find a way to download my tv show to its directory, and when the download is finished, move it to a share, preferably into the specific directory for that show.

Does anyone have an idea?

Oh..and I am using the current stable build of utorrent, because I do not have falcon, and the alpha versions of utorrent dont seem to be working on the WHS currently...

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Hrmm, I just realised that invites to the Falcon alpha are now closed. But, I can still import the RSS settings from the rss.dat file. And also, in uTorrent, if you do not set a location for your RSS feeds to download to, they will use the default settings instead, located in Preferences - Directories. Here you can set where you want the torrent to download to, and where to move it when it has completed downloading.

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Hello adtonks,

question: do your RSS feeds update when running utorrent as a service? Mine only update if I have utorrent running, but not when it is running as a service...

I have tried setting the system up so that RSS files just get downloaded directly to the shares - supposedly the error with downloaded files being corrupted by WHS was fixed with powerpack 1, but they still get corrupted. So no luck there. I guess I will just have to dump them onto a central location. As soon as RSS works :-)

Any ideas?

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Hmm, that's strange. My RSS feeds still update correctly when uTorrent runs as a service. Are you sure that you have the service set up correctly? (all settings, including RSS, are read from Default User/Application Data/uTorrent by the service. uTorrent run from the Administrator account reads settings from Administrator/Application Data/uTorrent) I guess if you can't get it to work properly you'll just have to keep pestering for RSS support in WebUI!

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Hi Adam,

well, I had written a fairly long post about still not being able to download RSS when - what do you know - I decided to reinstall everything manually without Firedaemon and under a new user. Don't know what I did, but RSS now work just fine. And the great thing is, since it's a dynamic RSS, I can just tell the RSS site to add other shows to my feed and those will get downloaded automagically without me having to change a thing in utorrent!


Now...just to get rid of the "corrupted files when downloading to shared directories"-bug...



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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to arrive so late to this thread, but I am running exactly the same setup (and set it up on my relatives' systems as well), and there is an easy solution to the file corruption problem:

in µTorrent configuration settings, under "Directories":

Put new torrents in: a local folder on the WHS D: drive (mine is set to D:\incoming torrents)

Move completed downloads to: \\localhost\Videos

This lets µTorrent store the downloads in an unshared (and therefore not corruptable) location, and moves them into your WHS Videos folder (or wherever you like) when they are complete.

Now if I could only get my RSS feed to update...I use WebUI 0.380, and I can *see* my RSS feed and tell it to update, but it never does update. Sigh.

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