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Utorrent with immune system


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i would like to have a client that could tell us it's issues. i know this might sound crazy but hear me out. i see the developers as the white blood cells in are system that keep us from getting sick. If we made it easier for developers to spot problems and issues that people were having this client could be a 100x more amazing. I would love to send any information, report, dump file whatever it took to improve this program. Maybe it is a separate software that scans my system and checks for incompatibility's. I just think if we want problems fixed faster this is one way to do it. i know many people would not know how to report their problems on the bug report forum, it just even care to do so. i believe they just give up and say it does not work and move on to another program. i have no idea how this could be done but it would be nice to see. any thoughts?

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It already tells you if it's firewalled.

If you turn on logging in logger (right-click and add logging of various things), then it logs a LOT.

Tracker window/tab shows status of trackers.

In Torrent window, you can enable the DEBUG column for a couple extra details.

It's not so much that there's not a lot of info given about the state and status of uTorrent, as being able to understand it...much like you own immune system.

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Well it does not seam to be working very well and it is not simple enough for my grandmother to know any of this. their should not be any right clicking or anything. this information should be sent or not sent by one click. utorrent has never asked me to send a dump file i always had to go to task manager to make a dump file and that might not even work. Well it should be fixed because it is not working. I feel utorrent is not even a finished program and wish i never updated because it feels like a terrible beta. anyways i am disappointed and wish their was a better solution.

Switeck you mentioned the logger, how does this help? Does it send information to a central server some where for developers to see the issues that keep on requiring? Are these loggers something i need to copy and past into a forum as well as other information like dump files? i just know it logs activities and things that happen but if this information getting to the right people to fix the problems that occur. i was just thinking that even though i might feel utorrent is working fin that Logger would send out a fix on the program if it has noticed something wrong, sort of like an anti-virus would. i might not know i have a virus or see a slow down but the virus is still caught before further problems are caused to make a more stable program. it just an idea

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