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µT is killing my connection


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Hi & many thanks for the best torrent client ever.

Just to notice that as many others as it seems : bandwidth control kills my adsl connection.

No surf, no mail, no anything is usable since v2 is up & running.

But unchecking bandwidth control makes all goes right again (max up 90ko/s - max con 450 - max clients 100 - max slots by torrent 6).

If of any help : I'm running win7 x64 + last µT installed (provider box + comodo firewall correctly configured for years).

I've succeeded in getting my connection with bandwidth control alive earlier today in setting global max connections to 100~120 & max clients to 50 (regarding those settings @900kb) so I guess there's a mess in the connections flow as if there were too many connections/data for my box to handle. For a reason I don't understand I was able to dl >1Go today while I was at work checking from time to time with webui if I was still online but using internet locally tonight is not possible with 'bd ctrl' !?

As I don't have extensive knowledge of networking I may not be able to help more but feel free to ask for any details.

Keep on good work, greets !

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Router is ISP's box (internet, telephone & HDTV router through dedicated TV box) connected through LAN for 2 PCs + CPL network for me & another rarely connected PC + the TV box. Firewall is COMODO 3.14.130099.587. There were no recent firmware/config change as I'm using them for years now & they usually work find. I've got public fixed IPv4&6 IP for my router and a dedicated port (> 1023) for µT directly routed to my computer (no DHCP local fixed IP too).

Connection speed is (µT test) : 996.14 kbit/s up 2.33 Mbit/s dl

Haven't changed any settings (it's still 90/450/100/6 as posted before)

After a couple of hours working well without bandwidth control I've tried to recheck the option (with µT reboot to be sure) and my connection went down in 20~30 minutes (crash is very irregular : can be 30 sec or 1 hour). So I've unchecked the bandwidth ctrl, closed µT, unplug/replug my CPL to restart windows connection* & restart µT : seems to work well again.

* I guess it's a matter of windows but can't be sure as the only thing that could physically kill my connection for >10 min with fixed IP should be others client trying to connect me and that rebooting my CPL is enough to reconnect and have a easy surf & dl.

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1st link in my signature again, disable stuff like Bandwidth Management (no uTP in other words!), DHT, and Resolve IPs.

You may also be forced to use VERY low global and per torrent connection max.

Most likely your router, modem, or computer's networking cannot handle what ordinarily works for many other people. :(

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I'm following your guide since the beginning but I let each change some time to test.

Although the connection is much better w/o bandwidth control it was down when I came back from work today. IP resolving was already turned down & I'm know disabling DHT (but I was already disabled by trackers).

Regarding my installation I do agree it's not a 100% liable (mainly the CPL's fault) but I'm still very confused as every thing was running perfectly before v2.

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