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Multiple Connections


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I've been reading about people who have more than one NIC and have difficulty controlling which one is used with uTorrent. I'm on the same boat. I have Windows 7 and a wired LAN and also a wireless adapter.

I've been trying to change the net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip

I keep getting the error:

[2010-03-03 20:36:02] TCP port bind failed xxx.xxx.x.x:xx: (xxxxx) The requested address is not valid in its context.

[2010-03-03 19:57:32] UDP port bind failed xxx.xxx.x.x:xx: (xxxxx) The requested address is not valid in its context.

Now I'm not quite certain what IP I'm supposed to be inputting in this section. I've tried several. Should it be the IP I enter into the browser to get to my router settings, or the the IP that is shown when I go to whatismyip.com, or something else?

I know people have said this is a Windows issue and not a problem with the software, but has this issue remained unresolved even in Windows 7? I hope its not the case but Gates always seems to let me down. :(

side note, my ISP assigns a static ip address if that matters.



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So I ran ipconfig and used the network adapter's IPv4 Address. uTorrent gave me no error and the speeds has remained constant. It seems to have worked, so thank you. Is there any way to verify which internet is being used, or do I just have to go by the download/upload speeds?

Also, is there any way to save two settings so that I can quickly switch between one internet connection to the other (without using two separate instances of utorrent)?

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