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Editing the original folder structure on a torrent


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I have downloaded a torrent which has, say, 3 files (File01, File02 and File03) in 3 different folders (A, B and C), respectively.

|_ File01

|_ File02

|_ File03

And I have those files already downloaded on my HDD but not following the original folder structure, but in an unique folder as it follows:

|_ File01
|_ File02
|_ File03

Is is there any way to "get rid" of the folder structures in the original torrent to match the local one at my PC (and therefore being able to do the Force recheck process)?

Apart from creating one by one the folders on my PC (A, B, C...) and manually moving the files (File01, File02, File03...) in them, that is. In the example I used 3 to make things easier, but I have to match 392 folders in my case with a variable number of files in.

Thanks in advance.

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