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Problems in Second Life after running Utorrent


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When I play Second Life after Utorrent has been running, I cannot teleport, and voice chat doesn't work. And inevitably Second Life will keep crashing every 10 minutes or so. If I reset my router (unplug the power..wait 60 seconds..then plug it back in), everything works fine. Anyone have any idea what might cause that? It sucks to have to reset my router whenever I want to play Second Life.

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, and the router is a Belkin N. UPnP is enabled on the router, and in Utorrent.

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I tried setting a static IP, and forwarding a bunch of ports. Second life uses a lot of ports, which I found by searching their website. Didn't seem to work.

I went back to using DHCP, and ditching the static internal IP thing, and changed the port assigned to utorrent. And right now as I write this, I'm on Second Life and able to TP and voice, while utorrent is running. So...I'm hoping that solved my issue. I'll post a follow up, if the problem reappears.

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