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disk overloaded 100% & manual cache size


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I am having trouble to get uT to download at max speed without turning of its caching function.

After about 5 mins of download at 400kb/s, uT will become disk overloaded 100% and speed will drop to 10kb/s.

I found that the write cache for some reason is base on the number of torrent queued and downloading (observation: I had 10 torrents with 5 being active, write cache is 4gb; after 4 downloads completed, my write cache drop to 2gb)

uT caching works fine for awhile at initial start, but after a while, the write cache will suddenly shoot up, and if uT is set to auto cache size it will be stuck at 32mb and disk overloaded 100% will occur

I have found 2 way that can solve this:

1) turn off uT caching function

2) set the caching size above (in my case, I had to remove some torrent and set the write cache to 2gb and later re-add torrents)

I want to know if this is working as intended and if not then can someone help me find a solution to the problem.

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