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NEW great feature to propose: the "Profiles" :)


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Hi All! :)

I have got another new great idea: the "Profile"! :)

Yes, exactly like in mobile phones, eg. in my Nok** I can select the profile "General", "Silent", "Outdoor" and so on..

We can apply this _VERY_NEW_ feature to uTorrent fixed on a single PC, or very very useful using it on/from USB keys.. USB keys are mobile devices as well, isnt it..? ;)

So, also in uTorrent I would love to select the profiles "Home", "Job", "HalfSpeed", or whatever..

The "Profile" works exactly like a container of options/configurations/settings the client applies all at once automatically, without the user selecting one by one every time.. cool ;)

Its _VERY_ important the "Profile" must contain also the options selectable from command line, and also itself selectable from command line!

Please, evaluate the following solutions to use a "Profile":

- a default "General" profile must exists from the begin, containing all actual uTorrent default settings.

- the profile "General" can NOT be modified/deleted, as it is the way for "reset to defaults"

- then it must be possible to modify/delete/create new "Profile"

- from the main menu, user selects the "Profile" operations.

- the user would create a new profile, eg. "Job" and select it, so from now all settings will be saved to profile "Job"

- then the user would select his own options, eg. for using uTorrent on PCs at job: "Hide in ALT+Tab", "Start all downloads at startup", "MiniBar", /NOINSTALL, /BRINGTOFRONT, Hide to tray, alternate tray.ico, proxy server Socks4:1080, proxy peer-to-peer, set Bandwidth, BossKey, no CategoryList, no CheckForUpdates, no ResolveHostnames, no Cosmetics, and so on...

- then if close and open it again on another PC, uTorrent remembers the last used "Profile" and applies it automatically

- or the user can select another "Profile" from command line, eg. /PROFILE=job (case insensitive.. ;)

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