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kind of new to torrents..having issues PLEASE HELP Going CRAZY


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Hello all, any help would be so so so apprciated.


SO I have downloaded Bit Torrent and tried to download a few things. SOME finishing some didnt. THere is a icon on the bottom message bar of Torrent it looks like a little red exclamation mark and says there is a firewall on. I have done everything i possible KNOW how to to try and fix this. I am not the best at computers but do know my way around. Than I went rhough there helk section and did the ip address, dns, subnet mask etc etc... It is still there and wont allow me to download. ITs gotta be simple |I just cant get it to work.

Any help is so so apprciated and I would return the same favour on any subject I know well..THank YOu in advance. I think I am starting to lose it a little from not getting this to work.



Here is a little extra, When I click on this exclamatin point it forwards me to this message.

An error has occurred!

Port 16985 does not appear to be open.


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