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Torrents not uploading/seeding


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This seemed to fix my problem. Recently my torrents have slowly been losing peers after completion. My speeds seem alright up until then, but after I finish downloading the slowly start to drop off. After a couple of hours to a day I no longer have any peers. I tried turning on peer.lazy_bitfield, and the problem is fixed!

So, my ISP is blocking seeding then? That's f***** up. Should I add it to the list of ISPs that throttle torrent traffic?

Thank you for maintaining this forum. It's probably a lot of work with little reward. Your effort does not go unappreciated.

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  • 1 year later...

peer.lazy_bitfield being turned on is set to 'true' I assume?

I already have this setting enabled yet as stated previously, after the download is complete, the seeding drops off and becomes non-existent.

This only seems to happen with some torrents, there are peers but none will connect.

Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated.

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I have the same problem. My torrents upload as I am downloading them but as soon as they are completed they show as queued seed but stop uploading.

Number of seeds and peers are all under 10.

peer.lazy_bitfield says true ... and I have shared using DC for years and my ISP hs not prevented that.. what can the problem be?

I really want to share these files as they are not common.

Any help so that I can join in the sharing instead of just the leeching would be Much appreciated.

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Make sure in Preferences (Ctrl+P) / Queueing / Queue Settings, Active Torrents are set to at least Active Downloads + 1.

That way, at least 1 queue slot should be available for seeding. Now check if any one of the queued seeds becomes active. If you want to temporarily seed more than your queue settings allow, right-click the torrent and Force Start it.

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ok something happened hehe ..

now I got an error message that the torrent could not find the path specified.

I moved some of the files when they didn't seed to the folders I really wanted them in. How can I tell the client that they are in new folders?

YAY .. I am officially seeding a completed file THANKS! This a step in the right direction :-)

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Thank you so much. I had read other instructions but couldn't follow them. Yours are clear and wonderful.

My only problem now is that I have changed the file names to keep them in order in my own system. Does this mean I can't fix anything so I can still seed them. Must all torrents keep the original filenames or is there a setting to tell the client to look for new filename and connect it to the original torrent?

Thanks SO much for your help - you are my hero :-)

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Heh. No problem. :)

As far as seeding renamed files goes, the file retargetting feature in the 1.8 line should help, though since I'm still using 1.7.5 I can't really say. As of now I keep the files as-is in terms of names till I'm done seeding them (i.e. they've reached my target ratio). Then I remove the torrent and rename the files. If someone requests those files later and no-one else can seed, I create a new torrent for them 'cos I don't remember the old names, nor am I interested then in renaming them back.

Feel free to post back if you need any more help!

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It is a shame that torrents aren't adapted for renaming and moving easily.

It makes the sharing part harder than the downloading part.

I really want to seed my files and share them as much as possible for as long as possible as they are a speciality type of share.

I suppose for popular and easily accessed items it makes no difference ... but for those hard to come by files it is nice if you can move them and change them and still be a part of that little swarm of 3 ;-)

I suppose I can add it as a request feature - if they notice little noobs like me that is .. hehe.

I had no idea it was possible to request files. (I am very new to this - only been torrenting for a few days).

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Well, moving as I said is entirely possible, but if you really want to rename + seed, I guess you could use Azureus which AFAIK has a feature to rename/retarget individual files in multi-file torrents. I personally stay as far away from bloated and slow Java apps as I can, but it's your choice entirely. I'm sure similar features will make it to uTorrent sooner or later.

Re. requesting files, well most private trackers (where you register and where they often keep track of ratios) have a forum where torrents are discussed, rated (useful so you don't download a fake/dud) etc. If you find an old torrent that you really want but isn't seeded, you can very well PM/mail/post and request for someone to seed it once again.

P.S. The feature's been requested tonnes of times already, so don't bother, your thread will most likely just end up in the Trash.

P.P.S. If you're a beginner, I highly recommend reading the Guides, the FAQ and the uTorrent User Manual (.CHM) to familiarize yourself somewhat with the program and the protocol.

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