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utorrent forum mailer issues


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Hey I just thought I'd share this bit of bizarre information.

I signed up for this site when I was running into some issues back in October 2009. I never received my login information and requested a p-word reset and subsequently never received an email after that. I then forgot about it and found my answer elsewhere.

Today, 6 months later, I get a random e-mail in my inbox:

"Received Apr 22 2010 at 1:17pm

from forum.utorrent.com Mailer <forumsadmin@utorrent.com>

sender-time Sent at 1:14 AM (GMT-07:00). Current time there: 2:47 PM. ✆

to $$$

date Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 1:14 AM

subject Welcome to forum.utorrent.com!

mailed-by web03.utorrent.com

hide details 10/27/09

Thank you for registering in the forums at http://forum.utorrent.com/. Your account details are..."

6 months to deliver an email? Somethings up... just thought it would be worthy of note that the utorrent forum mailer service is buggy!

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