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[µTorrent 2.0.1+] Status Bar Informations


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Hey people,

I just upgraded to µTorrent 2.0.1 (build 19078) and I noticed that there is a new information displayed on the status bar, compared with previous versions of µTorrent:

D (d/l speed) O (? speed) T (transmitted (down) this run)

U (u/l speed) O (? speed) T (transmitted (up) this run)

I searched for the signification of this new "O" tag, but I could not find what does it mean.

Any ideas?

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How can I remove the O= tag from the status bar ?

Clutters up the status bar, I only need the down and up speed and total.

Can't find anything in preferences that removes it.


I too would love to know how to hide O from the status bar

being able to hide T as well would be nice..

Its one of the reason's I still use 1.6 on my home machine since it doesn't add stuff to the status bar that is not removable.

I been able to hide O from the graph but that is it.

be nice to see in advanced option

gui.statusbar_hide_overhead [true/false]

gui.statusbar_hide_total [true/false]

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