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It's covered in the user guide, press F1 in µT.

flags.conf & flags.bmp are files used to replace the internal µTorrent assignment of flags to a peer's resolved IP's host domain. flags.conf is a text file that specifies the flag order, and maps host domains to a country, whose flag is then obtained from flags.bmp. flags.conf only works on hosts with a TLD of .net or .com, each mapping in the format host domain|country code, where the country code is the country's IANA-assigned two-letter code. flags.bmp is a Windows bitmap that contains adjacently-conjoined bitmaps of dimensions 16x16 each (without any space in between), each 16x16 square being a flag. A custom flags.conf and flags.bmp is maintained as a community project in the µTorrent forums, compiled by eng. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+R on your keyboard tells µTorrent to (re)load flags.conf. If peer.resolve_country is enabled, these files will be ignored.
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