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UL/DL bars in System tray


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First, I'm not native English speaker, so sorry for possible mistakes.

I think it will be usefull to see total Upload/Download speed bars in System tray. I see eMulePlus as an example.

For example, you set your Ul to 10 and dl to 50. So, if you download at 30 and upload at 7, you see 3 green bars at left side of tray's icon and 4 red bars at right side.

If you do not cap your Ul/Dl (but it is recommended to do so), maximum will be a maxumum values from speed graph.

I'm not sure how to handle overhead bandwidth, because I don't know how µTorrent count it (if it is counted, 'cause I think it is not).


I know, it shows this and some additional info, but it is not what I want :).

For example, you do something, type docs or just listen music... Do you want to move mouse to the tray just to know is your µ working or not? Imho, it is unnecessary. Just a simple speedmeter over the icon is well enough for this.

I think that µ is a background prog more than interactive, so "dead" (I mean, static) icon in system tray is not enough. I can also mention WinRAR. It has progress meter in tray icon too.


This feature is much LESS useless than the latest GUI changes. At least this is informative, and i really cant say that about adding tab icons or removing caption from the toolbar icons.



Ic3d0g and oliversl: quit it. Fight over PM, but not on the forums. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and as long as they're not particularly rude about it, it's fine. (calling someone an idiot, stupid, swearing, other name-calling, etc)


Well it could be useful for some I guess, if you've ever seen JWM for linux they have a little cpu usage system tray icon that uses basically zero processing power. So I give the idea +1

An effecient implementation in windows would probably be hairy for the benefit it gives so -1 for that

Net: 0

EDIT: I know we're talking about up/down speed here.



I love all the ideas, when gui elements exchange text data. It feels more visual: not look, read, and understand - just look and understand. It is just the way i am :P


I think its better to use another program for this. I would recommend Samurize. You get far more customability than with a little animated icon.



Uses a little bit more space than one icon but gives alot more information. I think you get most of the values. First window is send/receive in kilobyte/s and the other is memory usage and cpu usage.


I dont mind it as long as its done right. Meaning, not a skinned feature, Simply an overlay on the tray icon. Im not sure if you can do that natively. If you can, I wouldn't mind it. Otherwise, No need wasting time on this.

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