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utorrent shuts down pc while moving files from temp to downloads


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I'm using utorrent 2.0.1 and windows xp sp3. I wanted to use the autoshutdown after download feature. works as it should shuts down the pc after downloading... however, torrent does not wait with shutting down the pc until the file has been transfered from the temp folder to the download folder!

this might not be an issue for most people because hard discs are quite fast, but I have my temp folder on my local hdd while my download folder is on the LAN. While moving the files, utorrent shuts down the pc, leaving the transfer unfinished. I dont know if this is an already known bug...

would be great if you guys could fix it.

anyways... great work with utorrent, keep it up!

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  • 2 years later...

I also get the same issue.

I have my download folder locally on my laptop, but have utorrent set up to move (not copy) the finished download to my LAN network storage device for network access within my home.

I find it erratic in the manner it moves these files to the LAN network storage device

I get broken files, still have the original file in the download folder and sometimes dont get any moved files at all, leaving them in the original download folder.

I normally have my computer hibernate when downloads complete due to ISP quota limits.

i cant afford to keep seeding after the file has downloaded for hours on end.

One would expect utorrent to execute hibernation, quit, sleep or shutdown etc, only after the downloaded files are full moved to the destination folder. Not part way through the process.

Is this a bug? or are there other settings that will enable the files to be moved before executing hibernation etc?

Im using utorrent 3.1.3, windows 7 home premium 64bit SP1, and NAS110 LAN network storage device

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