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Perplexing upload/download issue..


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I would not consider myself to be an expert on µTorrent by any stretch of the imagination, but I have been using it for some time and have never seen anything like this. Let me start off by saying that my connection is..."economical" at best. The highest download speed for anything I've seen on my connection is 80 kb/s or so. Today I downloaded a torrent, and it started off at a steady 70-75 kb/s (what I usually average), but soon it shot up to 100 and then almost 270 kb/s! It stayed at that speed for a short time, then returned to normal and now below normal, but my upload speed is now reaching 250+ kb/s. This is strange because not only have I never even been ABLE to upload that fast, it is ignoring my maximum upload rate. Does anyone have a clue as to what is going on? Thanks.


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