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utorrent 2.01 the media is write protected when downloading


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Help please, I installed windows 7 on my computer. I had to delete my antivirus it would not work with 7. Ok So I finally get online and then try to download a torrent (one that I can download with 3 other computers one vista, one 7, and another one XP) ok so I know it can be downloaded. I am thiking windows antivirus has messeed my utorrent up on this computer. It was running fine before I put win 7 on it, and I even tried reinstalling it. I have checked all settings and every thing is the same as the other 3 computers settings (except the ports of course) . There has to be a setting that got changed. Any suggestions? Thanks


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I am saving to a external hd where i have saved for the past 6 mo. I tried saving to C hd got the same error, and I dled bittorrent just now and it is working fine.

But I like utorrent best so I would like to get this fixed

ok i uninstalled completely, and reintalled, it seems to be working now , now to delete bittorrent

if this doesnt work ill repost

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