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peer id


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I have a NAS Buffalo LS CHL 1 TB http://www.buffalo-technology.com/products/network-storage/linkstation/ls-chl-linkstation-live/ which has inside a built-in torrent client, and after upgrading to the firmware 1.31 this client became utorrent http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/6867/80336126.jpg

I need to know the peer id of this torrent client because must be added on the whitelist of some trackers. The Buffalo suport is bad so I couldn't get the information.

The WebUI is v 0.370

So I repeat: I have utorrent the hardware version

Can somebody help how to find this peer id?

Thanks a lot!

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You can install µT on your computer (as standalone, super fast) and create a torrent with a public announce like http://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80/announce or http://denis.stalker.h3q.com:80/announce.

Then you open this torrent into the WebUI on your NAS and begin to download.

Normally you should see in the peers tab of your computer µT, the client relative to your NAS.

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I have tried but is not working the traffic, perhaps because the laptop and the NAS are in the same LAN

But anyway I don't think is correct this method, the peer id that I need is something for example like this -UM090B-

and the peer tab of utorrent is not showing this kind of code when someone is downloading from you

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