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bandwith distribution


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Is it somehow possible to set the bandwidth distribution in a way, that always one file downloads at the highest possible speed, but if it doesnt use the available bandwidth to 100%, the next file uses the remainder?

thx & thanks for such a great piece of software,

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To the best of my knowledge, uTorrent doesn't let you micro-manage your bandwidth to that precise of a degree. You similarly can't instruct your CPU what it should prioritize when doing multiple things to such a precise degree, either.

However... as a practical matter...

There are ways that might let you queue priorities with greater control, as a practical matter.

For instance, if you have three torrents downloading, and you set one to high priority (the that you want to get 100percent of your bandwidth while downloading), and the second to medium priority (the one that you want to start getting greater priority as soon as the first is completed), and the third to low priority (one you're not particularly concerned with), as a practical matter... the results should be similar to what you were probably envisioning when you were describing your ideal torrenting situation in your original post.

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