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.torrent.loaded files

Joe Who?

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When utorrent loads .torrent files it automaticlly changes them to .torrent.loaded files. Normally i wouldn't really care, but when i shut down utorrent and try to reopen it, it doesn't load the .torrent.loaded files. Is there any way to stop the chang from .torrent to .torrent.loaded , or is there any way to have utorrent load the .torrent.loaded files. THX for your time and help!

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When utorrent loads .torrent files it automaticlly changes them to .torrent.loaded files. Normally i wouldn't really care, but when i shut down utorrent and try to reopen it, it doesn't load the .torrent.loaded files. Is there any way to stop the chang from .torrent to .torrent.loaded , or is there any way to have utorrent load the .torrent.loaded files. THX for your time and help!

i have the Exact same problem !. now i have to reload and therefore rehash my torrents everytime i reset my pc :(.

This program is so super, just this one flaw :(. i really like to keep this efficient client, so if anyone nows a solution to this problem. i used many clients but this one is the best

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I've the same problem. uTorrent doesn't load *.torrent files from specified folder (same for autoload and storage - does it cause problems?).

uTorrent renames all of my *.torrent files to *.torrent.loaded, sometimes copy the renamed file and add .load once more.

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You don't use the same autoload torrent folder as torrent storage folder, do you?

yes i do, because iam so used to it with other clients. i have one central dir with all torrents in it. but i think i now see the problem . is it right that i should have seperate dirs then ??.

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I created separate dir for storage torrents and disabled auto load, and... it's working! but it would be nice if we could keep all the torents in one dir and autoload some of them...

cool, gonna try that rightaway. its indeed kinda sucky, but hell the client is awesome on all other areas so :).

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